Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Stages

A drunken man, against me passed,
his head dizzy, his body aghast!
I gave him a stern glance,
but his happiness seemed to forever last.
His hands were covered with gloves,
while his face pale as a grey dove.
His ego wasn’t flaunting high above,
and peace to himself he had in bout.
No force could seem to denude,
his hallucination, unlike common mood.
Then to me it struck,
tranquility he had amidst all the muck;
Fighting from his fears he stood strong,
intoxication, that wouldn’t hold him long!

A saintly man, against me passed,
his head calm, his pace unsurpassed,
I gave him a convivial glance,
knowing his happiness sure would forever last.
His hands were adorned with holy beads,
his face, bright, a sign accomplishing great deeds,
and serenity to himself he had indeed.
No force could seem to denude,
his exhilaration, unlike common mood.
Then to me it struck,
tranquility he gained, not by luck;
Fighting against his fears and all the worldly muck,
salvation, that held him strong,
without a doubt very, very long.

A common man, against me passed,
his head perplexed, his body harassed,
I gave him a concerned glance,
hoping his happiness would return from the lost.
His hand held a bag very tight,
his face displayed anxiousness full of might,
portraying that,
peace to himself he has to receive as a right.
No force could seem to denude,
his anticipation, unlike common mood.
Then to me it struck,
tranquility he might gain, if he tried his luck;
Fighting for glory amidst all this worldly muck,
his life seemed to be hunting for success but somewhere stuck.
Peace within him he would someday find,
the day he left his materialistic instincts right behind.


Phantom said...

Its so true. I like your perception of tranquility. I believe the same, serenity is found in the most noisest place at times its just the way you look at it.

Adi said...

He who is situated in the self and regards alike happiness and distress; who looks upon a lump of Earth, a stone and a piece of Gold with an equal eye.....

Vinutha N said...

Good lines to ponder over !
Nice post , Keep it coming :)

Raphomo said...
